The Only Bird – CP Part 2

I was falling. No. I was moving forward, flying. Everything was dark, then light, and dark again. Flashes of colour strobed like a disco in my mind, I was numb, but I could hear people laughing. They were saying my name, laughing again, saying something about drooling. I puzzled, where was I? Why couldn’t I […]

White Line – CP Part 1

Our time at DHI was over. We had been there so long but barely touched the many things to do there. It had been a blast, certainly the best place we’ve been from around Australia, but now, it was time to continue with our seemingly endless trip around Australia. On our travels, we managed over […]

The Splash – DHI Part 7

The cliffs were an adventure. Tall and terrifying, but once I got over my fear, they weren’t that bad. I found the trip surprisingly fun, but a small knot of residual height-fear sat in my chest, so for a change we spent a day at the homestead. We were blasted awake in the early morning, […]

Turtle Bay – DHI Part 4

Our seemingly endless trip finally came to an end. Hours of driving only to travel about 40km was not what we expected. Though the drive may have sounded boring and uninteresting, the scenery it brought us to was a beautiful view. We went sand boarding on massive dunes, saw windflowers, goannas (forgot to mention that […]

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